Objekt: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
imprisonment. The account which Hauser wrote himself at 5 
later period is only an amplification of the same material, and 
does not contradict any of the details. 
Kaspar Hauser does not know who he is nor where his home 
is to be found. He “came into the world” (as he expresses it) 
at Nuremberg, as here for the first time he perceived that other 
beings existed besides himself, and the man with whom he had 
always been. As long as he could remember he had inhabited a 
cell about six or seven feet long, four feet wide, and five feet high. 
The floor appeared to be of hard earth; in the front wall were 
‘wo small windows filled in with wood. He sat always in the 
same place, and could only move enough to lie down when he 
was tired. There was straw under him and a woollen blanket 
over him. His feet were always bare ; for clothing he had only 
a shirt and a pair of leather trousers, which were open behind. 
Near him, at his left hand, was a vessel sunk in the floor and 
covered, which was emptied when he was asleep. On awaking 
he always found a jug of water and a piece of bread beside him, 
at his right hand. Sometimes the water had a bitter taste, and he 
fell asleep directly after drinking it: when he awoke he found 
that his clothing had been changed and his nails trimmed. He 
<new no difference between day and night ; there was scarcely 
any light in his cell: he never saw the sun nor the stars, and 
never heard a noise of any kind. He had two wooden horses 
and a wooden dog to play with ; also a number of red and blue 
ribbons, which he tied around these animals in various ways. All 
his waking hours were occupied with his playthings. He had no 
sense of time, and could not tell for how long a period he was 
imprisoned ; but he had no recollection of any other abode. 
The man who took care of him was not unkind, and never hurt 
him, excepting once, when he struck him because he made too 
much noise with his horses. That blow had caused the wound 
‘ound on his arm when he appeared in Nuremberg,


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