Objekt: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

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charges, and the Government set to work immediately to crush 
Garnier and neutralise the effect of his assertions. 
The French authorities in Strasburg were requested to suppress 
Garnier’s pamphlet without delay; but the French Minister of 
Foreign Affairs, Duke de Broglie, i-plied that as the legal for- 
malities of publication had been complied with, and the officers 
of justice had found no reason for interference, he had no power 
to grant such a request; however, Daden was at liberty to make 
complaint before the French courts. 
This correspondence, being published in the official Journal du 
haut et du bas Rhin, only served to call more attention to the 
The rulers of Baden did not see fit to apply to the French 
courts, nor did they issue any public prohibition of the sale of the 
pamphlet in their own dominions, as they might have done in 
accordance with their own laws ; but all sorts of private manceuvres 
were employed to nullify the attack, and the man who conducted 
this secret warfare was Major Hennenhofer. The authorities of 
Baden were authorised to confiscate the pamphlet wherever 
found, and agents were sent in various directions to buy up 
the whole stock of the obnoxious article from the booksellers 
in large towns. Secret instructions were also sent to foreign 
officials for the capture and destruction of all copies found 
The day before the publication the Commandant of Kehl came 
three times to Strasburg in order to obtain a copy without delay. 
Almost immediately after the publication a woman came over 
from Baden on three different days to secure copies, buying in 
all two hundred and fifty copies, for which she paid money down, 
and not until it was perceived that the supply would always be 
equal to the demand was this wholesale kind of purchase stopped. 
A certain political refugee in Strasburg, named Singer, was induced 
to act as a spy in behalf of the Government; ‘his chief business 
being to make Garnier contemptible in public opinion, so that 
less attention and less credence should be bestowed upon his 
writings. A short time after the publication of the pamphlet, 
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