Inhaltsverzeichnis: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

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Kaspar Hauser, 
Outside of Ansbach, however, these assertions were not accepted 
as a sufficient explanation of the mystery. 
King Ludwig offered a reward of ten thousand guldens for the 
arrest of the murderer, and sent an official reprimand to the police 
oficial of Ansbach on account of the lax performance of their 
Hickel’s absence from the post of duty during those days of 
greatest danger for Kaspar Hauser is in itself a suspicious circum- 
stance, suggesting collusion with the chief conspirators, especially 
as the object of his sudden journey was never known. 
In consequence of a rumour that Lord Stanhope had been 
seen near Ansbach on the day of the murder, that nobleman was 
summoned to Munich, and answered the summons from Regens- 
ourg, where, he said, he first learned the news of Kaspar Hauser’s 
death through the papers. He made use of the opportunity to 
denounce Kaspar Hauser as an impostor in an audience before 
the King and the chief officers of the Government, and while he 
was in Munich, Hickel was also summoned thither, and gave 
similar testimony. 
However, Stanhope did not succeed in clearing himself from 
suspicion, and Queen Caroline gave him plainly to understand 
that she considered him responsible for Kaspar Hauser’s 
The particulars of these official interviews were not made public, 
bat the result was that a commission was sent to Ansbach to in- 
quire into the affair. The efforts of the commission ended, of 
course, in failure, so far as the detection of the murderer was con- 
cerned, but a great deal of information was elicited in support of 
Kaspar Hauser’s assertions. 
It was proved that the purse found in the park had never been 
in his possession, and the handwriting in the billet was decided 
by experts to bear no appreciable resemblance to the specimens 
offered of Kaspar Hauser’s performance. 
A number of witnesses testified to having seen, on the day of 
the murder, a man answering to the description given by Kaspar, 
and the same man was seen in Nuremberg the day before.


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