Volltext: Peter Vischer

triumphed over, by this upward-gazing Vita, up- 
ward pointing. Death, it is meant, should be 
used, and welcomed almost, as the gate of heavenly 
life. The many deaths that had darkened the 
doors of his own house had, it is probable, sobered 
and saddened Peter Vischer’s great son, and per- 
haps his own failing health or some premonition 
of an early death, was by this time leading him to 
reflect in a chastened yet hopeful spirit on the 
motto that he loved, and to interpret it afresh in this 
allegorical wise : Vitam non Mortem Recogita.” 
It was the motto inscribed upon his grave in St. 
Rochus Church when he died but three years later, 
and was laid to rest by his aged father. 


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