Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
“I would willingly forgive ; but I don’t know who did it.” 
On being asked whether his mind was at rest, he re 
plied : 
“I have asked pardon of everybody I know; why should I 
not be at peace ? Surely God will not forsake me!” 
Once he remarked : 
““ Many cats are the sure death of the mouse:” implying that 
he believed himself to be the victim of a plot in which several 
persons were involved. 
Once he murmured: ‘Lady—great lady—strong enough— 
great lady—God pity her!” implying that an unknown lady of 
high rank stood in close relation to him and he feared she would 
not be able to bear the news of his death. 
Once he clasped his hands above his head and cried out: 
“0 God! O God! must I perish in this miserable way?” 
And another time he exclaimed, with the same despairing gesture: 
“0 God! must I die in shame and disgrace ? ” 
These outcries evidently referred to his knowledge of the 
opinion which the persons nearest him entertained, and to the un- 
kind treatment which he received from them during his illness. 
When the pastor asked him whether he cherished. hatred or 
anger against anyone, he answered : “ Why should I feel hate or 
anger? No one has injured me.” 
This sentence was made much of by his enemies ; but Kaspar 
evidently had in view the kindness which in general had been 
shown him during his short stay among men. 
Once he murmured : ““ Ah! the ways of God are dark ways!” 
as though complaining of his undeserved end. 
Meyer seemed to the last to be either stubbornly unconscious 
of Kaspar’s real situation, or else anxious to deceive others as to 
the true state of the case. He assured Hofmann repeatedly that 
the wound was only a slight one, and he visited Ludwig Feuer- 
bach a short time before Kaspar’s death, to say that there was no 
danzer and that Kaspar was suffering only from jaundice. a 
malady often produced by extreme fright.


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