Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

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Kaspar Hauser. 
In the meantime Garnier had established himself in London, 
where he published a second pamphlet about the Kaspar Hauser 
affair, which was still more violent and more explicit in its accusa. 
tions against Baden than the first work. The pamphlets were 
sent to one Schuler, in Strasburg, and Sailer informed Hennen- 
hofer of their arrival, declaring that it was not his fault that the 
pamphlet had appeared. Hennenhofer had requested that Sailer 
should send him all the copies coming from London ; but Sailer 
replied that he could only secure those intended for Germany; 
the rest had been sent to Switzerland, but they would not attract 
much attention there. Hennenhofer accepted that compromise, 
and the pamphlets sent to Germany were immediately suppressed, 
Sailer was closely watched by the police, on account of his sup- 
posed political tendencies, and at last he was arrested and sent 
to Kiel as a prisoner ; whereupon he requested the commander 
of the prison to inform Major Hennenhofer of his arrest, as, if he 
were held in prison, the consequences to Baden would be very 
unfortunate. Sailer wrote himself to Hennenhofer that in his 
absence some other person might receive the pamphlets and dis- 
perse them; whereupon Hennenhofer appealed to the Govern- 
ment of Baden, and Sailer was at once released. He was ordered 
to leave the country immediately, and he went to Switzerland, from 
whence he wrote to Hennenhofer, demanding a written safe- 
conduct, as he wished to return to Germany. Hennenhofer sent 
the required pass, and Sailer ventured into Germany, but was 
promptly arrested, and his papers did not free him. The German 
authorities tried to make him tell the history of the pamphlet; 
but he preténded ignorance, and at last he was ordered to be sent 
to prison at Hohen Asperg. On the way he managed to escape, 
and fled to Switzerland, where he resumed his correspondence 
with Hennenhofer. 
In the meantime Garnier had written from London that he 
could not publish a third pamphlet for want of money ; but Sailer 
kept this information to himself, and the Government of Baden 
was in continual fear of a continuation of the story. Hennen- 
hofer tried to persuade Sailer to leave his comrades and go to


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