Objekt: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
old, stout and broad-shouldered, with a full face, dark hair, ang 
reddish beard, wearing a round, black hat, an overcoat of green 
cloth, black pantaloons, and polished boots, the left hand covered 
with a white leather glove, and the right hand, which carried tle 
other glove, showing upon the forefinger a large gold ring, He 
stopped the woman and asked whether Kaspar Hauser was liye 
or dead.” She answered that, so far as she knew, he was still living, 
and then went on her way. But he followed her and askeq 
whether there was a guard at the Thiergirtner Gate close by, and 
whether one could enter the city without being challenged. She 
said there was no guard, and any person could go in without 
hindrance. He asked further whether there was any placard in 
‘he streets about the attempted murder of Kaspar Hauser. She 
said that the Mayor’s proclamation was fastened on the gate. He 
‘hen walked with her through the gate and stopped to read the 
placard. She left him there, and on turning around to look after 
him, she saw him walking rapidly out of the gate. 
But notwithstanding the evidence of so many witnesses, and the 
efforts of a special committee to discover the identity of the 
assassin, the event remained a mystery, and no further clue was 
brought to light, 
The next day after the encounter at the Thiergirtner Gate, and 
five days after the attempted murder, October 22, 1829, Lord 
Stanhope appeared for the first time in Nuremberg and took 
lodgings at the hotel “Zum wilden Mann,” where he remained 
several days, ostensibly on account of his travelling carriage being 
out of repair. The day after his arrival he was visited by two 
gentlemen, one a stately man about forty years old, marked in 
the face by small-pox, the other, having nothing noble in his 
looks excepting his fine clothes. 
All these strangers soon disappeared and their temporary 
presence was speedily forgotten. 
Immediately after the murderous attack upon Kaspar Hauser


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