fullscreen: Bibel, Bd. 4: I Rg 12,8-Ier 24,1 – Nürnberg, STN, Solg. Ms. 4. 2°

Brandenburg, which is in the Cathedral at 
Berlin, is also signed by Hans Vischer, and it 
is dated 1530. (Johannes Vischer Noric. Facieb. 
1530.) This tomb was a long time in the making, 
and in the original conception of it Peter Vischer 
the father was concerned. This we may gather 
from a letter to Prince Joachim I., wherein he 
acknowledges the receipt of two hundred gulden 
on account of the tomb which the said prince had 
discussed with him in his workshop, and for which, 
Peter reminds his Highness, he had made two 
designs on paper. He now requests the Prince 
to return to him one of those designs in order 
that he may be able to complete the work to the 
best advantage. 
The rough sketch for this tomb or part of it 1s 
all that we should care to attribute to Peter Vischer 
in this matter. He must have entrusted the exe- 
cution of the commission to one of his less gifted 
sons, who was following without being able com- 
pletely to master the developments which were 
taking place in the style of the House. The 
tomb, by whatever hand, has clearly been exe- 
cuted at two different periods and in two distinct 
parts. In style the original portion, which is the 
lower, is stiff and conventional, and the architec- 
tural framework is chiefly Gothic, with here and 
there, as in the case of the medallion-heads, a 
touch of the Renaissance. The later portion is 
the upper, and it reflects the change which had 
in the meantime come over the artistic aims of 


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