fullscreen: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
and to enter upon his inherited duties ; but it is certain that his 
melancholy fate was a strong factor in the popular discontent 
which bas been gradually accumulating until at present there is 
not a throne in Europe that stands firm. 
There was no lack of logic in the outcry of the revolutionists 
of 1848 against Hennenhofer as the murderer of Kaspar Hauser : 
their warfare was against the principle of ‘one-man power,” not 
acainst the individual possessor of a throne, and to that appar- 
ently unsuccessful uprising is largely due the control of kingly 
power by parliaments, and the consequent removal of many 
temptations to dynastic intrigues in royal courts.


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