fullscreen: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
sweat produced by the various scents arising from fields, woods, 
and orchards ; while in the house, the smell of cooking, of the 
dye in clothes, of the plaster on the wall, the odour of ink, pencils, 
paints, the aroma of wine, coffee, and tea, and worst of all, the 
smell of fresh meat disgusted him continually. 
Once, when walking with Professor Daumer near St. John’s 
churchyard in Nuremberg, he was so painfully affected by the 
scent of death in the air (although his companion could not per- 
ceive any odour at all) that he was seized with a chill, succeeded 
by a burning heat, and ending in a sweat so profuse that his shit 
was soaking wet. At some distance from the graveyard he began 
to recover ; but he complained for several hours afterwards that 
his sight was dim. 
The extreme delicacy of his sense of touch was discovered 
while he was in the Vestner Tower. Among the toys given him 
Oy his generous visitors was a little box containing a metal horse 
with a magnet, designed to draw the horse over water as though 
‘he animal were swimming. When Kaspar took hold of the 
magnet it gave him such a shock that he packed it quickly with 
the horse into the box and avoided touching it again. On open- 
ing his trunk at Professor Daumer’s the hox came to light, and he 
spoke of his experience with the toy. Professor Daumer after- 
wards made some highly interesting experiments with the magnet, 
When the north pole was held towards Kaspar, he clutched at 
his heart and opened his vest, saying that the magnet drew him 
and he felt as though a current of air was passing out of him. 
The south pole affected him less sensibly, and he seemed to feel 
the air blowing towards him. The same contrasting effects 
followed when he could not see the magnet and did not know 
which pole was held towards him. 
The experiments could not be long continued, as he soon broke 
out into a heavy sweat and felt ill. 
He experienced similar sensations in the presence of any 
metallic substance, and could discriminate correctly between gold, 
silver, brass, and steel when the objects were hidden from his 
sight. He judged by the different degrees of attraction exerted


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