Volltext: Peter Vischer

presents the “ Miracle of the Icicles” is probably by 
Peter Vischer the younger. For the modelling of 
the female figures there distinctly reminds us, in 
drapery and in pose of the head and body, of the 
Eurydice in his “ Orpheus and Eurydice,” of the 
Vita in his inkstands, and of the flute-player in the 
Sebaldusgrab. And by him, also, is the “ Healing 
of the Blind Man,” which is by far the finest of 
the four reliefs. There is a movement in the whole 
and a unity in the composition quite admirable, 
whilst the cautious, tentative gait of the suddenly 
blinded man, not yet accustomed to the eternal 
darkness which has come upon him, is indicated 
with a delicacy and sureness of touch which pro- 
claim a truly great and original artist. In the 
treatment of the drapery on the moving figures we 
read the result of his study of the antique. It is 
used to indicate and to explain the movement that 
ts taking place. And very noticeable is the seizing 
of the dramatic moment, which is a conspicuous 
characteristic of the artist of *“ Orpheus and Eury- 
In the portrayal of the apostles on the Sebal- 
dusgrab Vischer and his sons have attained the 
perfect expression of the ideal after which the 
father had vainly striven in the monument at 
In every way the advance made by the artist 
since he wrought that early masterpiece is notice- 
able. The apostles here, unlike those in the 
original design, and unlike, also, those on the tomb 


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