Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
requesting him either to let the boy entirely alone for the ney 
two years or else take him into his own charge, as it wag 
impossible for Herr von Tucher to fulfil his duties under existing 
Both Feuerbach and Von Tucher believed at that time thy 
Lord Stanhope was an honourable man, and they were willing to 
ascribe his harmful conduct to English eccentricity. 
Feuerbach discussed the subject with the noble lord, a5 
requested by his friend; but Stanhope resented Von Tuchers 
well-meant expostulations, and took his revenge by declaring that 
Kaspar was neither rightly managed nor rightly instructed in 
Nuremberg, and that it would be much better to remove him to 
Ansbach, especially if Feuerbach would consent to take him into 
\is house as a member of his family. Feuerbach said it was im- 
possible for him to do this, and Lord Stanhope returned to 
Nuremberg to carry out his plan upon his own responsibility. 
His object was to separate Kaspar Hauser from his watchful 
friends, and he knew that Feuerbach’s position and duties would 
prevent him from bestowing more than a nominal attention upon 
the boy, while the fact of Kaspar being in Ansbach, and ap- 
parently under the protection of the great jurist, would satisfy the 
public mind as to the foundling’s safety. 
Soon after his return to Nuremberg, Lord Stanhope declared in 
legal form (November 21, 1831), that he wished to adopt Kaspar 
Hauser, promising to give him a more suitable education than he 
was then receiving, and to provide for his whole future life, 
on condition that he should be given up entirely to him. 
Three days later (November 24, 1831) Kaspar Hauser declared 
in legal form and with tears that he wished to be allowed to accept 
Lord Stanhope’s offer, as he was sure that the Earl felt for him a 
father’s tenderness, and would see that he was properly fitted for 
an independent existence. He did not want to be a burden any 
longer upon the city of Nuremberg. He wished to leave a place 
where, after what had passed, he never could feel safe, and where 
he was obliged to be accompanied all the time by two policemen, 
as though he were a prisoner. Also he was conscious that his


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