fullscreen: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
Friday, December 13th, the landlord of the Gasthaus zum Falken 
in Nuremberg noticed among his guests a man nearly six feet 
high, and apparently between thirty and forty years old, dark- 
complexioned, with dark hair and beard, and face marked by 
smallpox. He wore a green coat, black cravat, and white collar, 
his boots were of fine leather, with high heels and yellow spurs, 
his pantaloons grey. He sat alone at a table, and did not speak 
to anyone, although the room was full of people. The 
landlord sat down by him, and asked him whence he 
came. Instead of replying to the question, he said that he 
had still a long journey to take in that dreadful weather, 
as he must go on to Ansbach. As he wore spurs, the landlord 
supposed he must have come on horseback, and asked whether 
his horse had been put into the stable. He said “ No,” drank a 
glass of beer, paid his bill, and went away. On leaving the room 
he put on his cloak, which was of dark blue cloth, with a large 
cape. He was very serious, even gloomy, in looks and manner. 
His speech was that of an educated man. 
Saturday, December 14th, the day of the murder, a school 
teacher, named Seitz, in Ansbach, while walking in the royal park 
about noon, saw a stranger standing at a distance. He wore a 
round hat and a large blue cloak, and walked slowly away in an 
opposite path. 
Towards two o’clock in the afternoon a stranger entered the 
Zirkel inn at Ansbach, and asked at what time the post would 
leave for Nordlingen, whither he wished to go in about an hour. 
He refused to give his name and address, and said if he did not 
finish his business in time to start he would come again next day. 
He appeared to be nearly forty years old, was of middle stature, 
dark-complexioned, and marked with the smallpox. His mou- 
stache was dark. He wore a blue cloak, with cape and fur 
collar, green pantaloons, boots with yellow spurs, and a round 
black hat. He remained only a few minutes, and spoke but 
Assessor Donner of Ansbach, while passing through the park, 
AW a man of middle size. about forty years old. wrapped in 2


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