Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

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Kaspar Hauser. 
But although the witness was so glib in his prepared account 
he broke down at once on a cross-examination. When ew: 
whether Kaspar Hauser could write, and whether it was true that 
he had sat beside the boy on a stone bench in the guard-house 
and had seen him write, he replied that might be so, but he could 
not remember, 
Herr von Wessenig, when examined in 1829, spoke of Kaspar’s 
childish pleasure at the sight of his uniform, and of the repetition 
of the sentence: “I want to be a soldier,” etc. The boy was 
evidently tired out, and so far as von Wessenig could judge of his 
mental condition, it was that of total neglect, or of a childishness 
incompatible with his size and apparent age. 
In 1834, von Wessenig told all this and much more. When 
asked who he was, Kaspar replied that his adopted father had 
told him to say : 
«1 don’t know, your Grace.” He then took off his hat, and 
said his adopted father had told him that he must always take off 
his hat and say Your Grace,” and he made a bow as he 
When sent away to the police station he was so tired that he 
could scarcely step, and a servant went with him to lead him. 
Otherwise he seemed healthy. He was unwilling to leave the 
stall, complained of his feet, locked at the horses with pleasure, 
and called them “Ross.” He seemed to Von Wessenig an en- 
tirely uneducated child of nature, of whom it was impossible to 
suspect imposture. 
Police Officer Scheuer], who was present when Kaspar was 
visited by Von Wessenig in the stall, testified to the boy’s plea- 
sure in the bright uniform, but said nothing about the speeches, 
“Your Grace,” etc. On the contrary, he remembered that the 
boy had only one answer to all questions. } 
On the way to the police office Kaspar could hardly walk, and 
on arriving he could not stand upright. His appearance was 
that of a half-wild man.


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