Objekt: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
than two years in existence, it was sheer cruelty to demand a 
knowledge of the language and exploits of a nation dead for 
centuries, and doubly dead to one who had not been accustomed 
‘0 hear about them from infancy. 
Kaspar used to complain that he saw no use in cramming him. 
self with Latin, since he neither expected nor wished to become 
a clergyman ; and when he was told that it was necessary to know 
Latin in order to understand German thoroughly, he asked 
whether the Romans were obliged to study German in order to 
inderstand Latin ! 
As might have been expected, he did not distinguish himself at 
the Gymnasium. The lessons were difficult, and he did not feel 
any deep interest in subjects so foreign to his personal experience. 
He was too mature for companions of his own capacity, and 
t00 childish for fellow-students of his own age; he felt alone in 
the world, and the more deeply he was able to reflect, the more 
cerrible seemed to him the deprivation of his liberty during child- 
hood and early youth. He realised that no later mental acquisi- 
tions could atone for the absence of early associations and the 
lack of home ties ; while, added to his unavailing regrets for the 
2mpty past, was the ever-present dread of an unseen foe. Always 
timid, shocked at any exhibition of cruelty, distressed at every 
manifestation of pain, he became cowardly, in anticipation of 
bossible disaster through the untiring efforts of the mysterious 
enemies who had blasted the life they were now trying to destroy. 
In March, 1830, Lieutenant von Pirch, an officer stationed in 
Berlin, visited Nuremberg in order to ascertain whether Kaspar 
Hauser understood the Hungarian language. I.ieutenant von 
Pirch had read several newspaper articles which suggested this 
hypothesis as an explanation of Kaspar’s inability to speak 
German when first discovered. The result of his experiments 
was a strengthening of the suspicion that Kaspar’s earliest years 
vere spent in Hungary. 
After Lieutenant Pirch came the celebrated humorist, Saphir, 
from Berlin, upon the same errand, and he went away with the same


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