Metadaten: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

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Kaspar Hauser. 
large dark cloak, and wearing a round black hat, walking in the 
avenue. He turned, on seeing Herr Donner, and walked the 
other way. He appeared to be a stranger. At the same time 
Herr Donner saw two other men in another path, 
A few minutes before three o'clock a workman, named Leich, 
when passing through a street near the park, saw at a little distance 
two men, one of them a stranger to him, the other Kaspar Hauser, 
whom he knew well by sight. As they came nearer, Hauser 
turned his head so that Leich saw his face distinctly. The two 
went towards the park, and in passing the stile the stranger 
stepped back and let Hauser go in before him. When they came 
to the gate, Hauser opened it and passed in first, the other man 
following close behind. The stranger was about six feet high, and 
slender, apparently about forty years old. He wore a fine black 
hat, rather pointed in the crown, and a dark blue cloak of fine 
cloth, with a cape falling to the knee. The cloak was drawn up 
50 as to cover his face. 
A gardener’s apprentice, named . Friedrich, stated that a little 
after three o'clock, while working in the orange-house, he heard 
the voices of two men, and looking out of the window saw a man 
with a grey cloak running past the house towards the nearest gate. 
He was a man of middle stature, and had a dark face ; but as to 
beard, clothing, etc., the witness could not give any description. 
A seamstress, named Weiss, who lived near the park, saw the 
same afternoon, about four o'clock, a man hurrying out of the 
park. He was apparently a stranger, for on looking around, and 
finding no gate on that side, he turned and went in another 
direction, walking very fast. He appeared to be between forty 
and fifty years old, was about six feet high, broad shouldered, but 
not stout ; he showed nothing of his face, excepting a black beard. 
He wore a fine dark blue cloak, with several capes, and a fashion- 
able black hat, 
A day labourer, named Stadi, saw, about the same time, a man 
trying to get out of the park, and looking about for a way of exit. 
At last he found the steps and hurried away into the public road. 
He appeared to be forty years old, was about six feet high, broad


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