Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser, 
In 1878 Dr. Julius Meyer published a pamphlet entitled, “Zur 
Geschichte der Herkunft Kaspar Hausers.” This is only an ampli- 
fication of the old story about Baron von Guttenberg, the Bam- 
berg ecclesiastic, and Dorothea Kénigsheim, and their illegitimate 
child who died in infancy. 
The work has for its object to prove that Kaspar Hauser was 
not the son of those parties, and to assert that he was not the 
Prince of Baden, and that nobody knows or ever can know who 
he was. It is written in the interest of Baden, and is of no 
historical worth, as the subject had long before been fully investi- 
gated and this theory completely set aside. 
In 1883 appeared a new summing up of testimony in favour of 
Kaspar Hauser. The book is entitled, Kaspar Hauser. Scin 
Lebensgeschichte und der Nachweis seiner fiirstlichen Herkunft. 
Aus nunmehr zur Veroffentlichungen bestimmten Papieren einer 
hohen Person.” Von K——, Regensburg, 1883. It tells sub- 
stantially the same story as the other books; while it brings the 
various records together, and is more condensed In its statements, 
as well as more fearless in its accusations, than were the earlier 
Several bits of circumstantial evidence are curious and interest 
ing, as showing the inherent tendency of truth to proclaim itself 
from the house tops, however great may be the effort to silence 
‘ts revelations. 
Court Councillor Dr. Zeller, President of an Insane Asylum in 
Winnenthal, once told a friend that not far from that place, at the 
foot of the Hohenstaufen, was a farm which formerly bore the 
name of Fuchsenbof, but which the present possessor had changed 
to Sonnenthal, because the previous owner was said to have been 
the murderer of Kaspar Hauser, and to have bought the place 
with the proceeds of the crime, The man was said to have been 
employed by Hennenhofer. He lived afterwards at Gmiind, in 
One of the persons interested in elucidating the Kaspar Hauser


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