Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
vigorously the fearless doubts of the unsophisticated young 
sceptic, but allow time to habituate him to the artificial system 
of belief accepted by the great majority of the persons by whom 
he was surrounded. 
Kaspar had, in those early days, a horror of physicians and 
clergymen; because doctors made people ill with disgusting 
medicines, and ministers worried him with unintelligible talk. 
The very sight of a clergyman was disagreeable to him, and when 
asked the reason, he replied : 
“Because those people used to plague me so! Once, four of 
them came together to the Tower and told me things that I could 
not understand : for instance, that God made all things out of 
nothing. When I asked them for an explanation, they all began 
:0 scream at once, and each said something different. 
“I told them that I did not know what they meant: I must 
first learn to read and write ; but they said I must learn what 
‘hey had to teach before studying anything else. And they did 
not go away until I told them that I wanted to be quiet.” 
Kaspar did not at all enjoy going to church. The sight of a 
crucifix filled him with horror ; because for a long time he could 
not help endowing the figure with life; he also considered the 
congregational singing as a detestable noise. Once, on returning 
from church, he gave his opinion of the services: ‘ First,” he 
said, “the people scream, and when they stop the parson begins 
fo scream !” 
But although it was a difficult task to make a religious 
character out of Kaspar Hauser, as a moral being he was. in the 
heginning, faultless. 
Professor Daumer, who knew him better than anyone else, was 
enthusiastic in his admiration of the boy’s innocence and amiability, 
and all other persons who had much to do with him in those 
early days were deeply impressed by his lovable qualities. Hiltel, 
the jailer at the Tower, who watched him closely for several weeks, 
look so deep an interest in him that he would have adopted him 
as his own child, if he had not had already a large family to 
support ; Daumer’s mother and sister, whose cares were neces


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