Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
inflamed ; he cannot bear the light, and it hurts him to read, or 
to observe any object closely. His sense of hearing is so greatly 
excited that loud talking distresses him, and music, of which he 
was formerly so fond, he cannot endure at all. He has lost his 
appetite, and suffers from constipation and pain in the bowels, 
being out of health in every respect. 
“I feel very anxious about him, because it is not possible to 
treat him with medicines, partly because he has a horror of 
everything excepting bread and water, partly because there is 
reason to fear that even the simplest remedy would work too 
nowerfully upon such exceedingly delicate nerves.” 
In consequence of this report, Kaspar Hauser was removed 
from the Vestner Tower, July 18, 1828, and confided entirely to 
the guardianship of Professor Daumer, who had been his teacher 
from the beginning. Professor Daumer, then a young unmarried 
man, lived with his mother and sister in a quiet part of the town, 
and the foundling was fortunate in being placed under the affec- 
sionate care of that excellent family. 
In order to protect him in his new retreat from the crowds of 
visitors that had troubled him in the Tower, the Mayor issued the 
following proclamation, which was published in the city news 
papers : 
“The Magistrate of Nuremberg has confided the homeless 
Kaspar Hauser to the care of his teacher, in order that his 
physical and mental powers may receive due attention and 
development, That this result may not be hindered, and that 
Kaspar Hauser may enjoy the rest and quiet which are absolutely 
necessary for his health, his instructor is requested not to allow 
him to receive any visitors. The public is therefore advised to 
seep away from his present residence, and thereby avoid collision 
with the police, who are empowered to see that this order is 
Professor Daumer made of this undertaking a labour of love :


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