Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
Literally translated : 
“To my Government,— 
“ In Nuremberg last month total failure. Take measures 
that the peace of my Grand-Duchy be not disturbed through this 
event. Accept the assurance of my continued interest in your 
welfare. I remain your well-wishing, 
“ Lupwic. 
“ Karlsruhe, June 5, 1828. 
¢“ To Herr Von Berstett.” 
On receiving this important document, the Prince was greatly 
excited, and he besieged the dying statesman with questions, the 
answers to which were in substance as follows «> 
“As to the death of Prince Karl Ludwig in Arboga in 1801 I 
cannot give any certain information, as at that time I had no idea 
of entering the service of Baden ; but I have often heard strange 
surmises upon the subject, which, however, were perhaps caused 
by the fact that the later deaths in the royal line were evidently 
suspicious. This was especially the case with the two Princes— 
October 16, 1812, and May 8, 1817. That Prince Alexander 
really died on the 8th of May has never been doubted ; but that 
his death was not due to natural causes was generally believed. 
On the other hand, as long as I can remember, the air was full of 
whispered suggestions that the first-born Prince was still alive. 
Grand-Duke Karl believed firmly that both his sons had been 
murdered, and that he himself had been poisoned in Vienna, and 
after his return home. However, I cannot believe that Margrave’ 
Friedrich died an unnatural death, although I never troubled 
myself much about that event, as my time was fully occupied with 
affairs of State. I was deeply indebted to Grand-Duke Karl, and 
still more to his wife, for their favour, and on that account the 
people of the Court concealed from me much more than 
they confided to me. It was not until after Ludwig's acces- 
sion that I gradually discovered what I would rather never


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