Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
resembled the brain of a marten and of the human feetus, and js 
condition showed that its activity had been arrested at an early 
period of life. This mute witness proved that Kaspar Hayser 
must have lived in infancy like other children, and that his jm. 
prisonment began some time before his seventh year, probably in 
his third or fourth. Hence the brilliancy which he at first djs 
played when his intellect was again free to act, and the ensuing 
failure of mental power which prevented his advancing beyond 
mediocrity in his studies and pursuits. 
When restored to human society he was a man in years and in 
outward development ; but his brain had remained in its primitive 
stage of growth, and could not enlarge after so long a period of 
Kaspar Hauser’s peculiar character (his faults and imperfections, 
as well as his uncommon virtues), was thus accounted for. He 
was silly, vain, and untruthful, because he had only a childs 
judgment to guide his conduct; he was gentle, affectionate, and 
pure, because his stronger passions had never been awakened. 
More was expected of him than his fellows had a right to demand; 
he neither understood himself nor was comprehended by others; 
he was a being apart, and could never find his place in the world 
from which he had been so long excluded. 
Kaspar Hauser’s funeral took place December 28, 1833, and an 
immense crowd followed the remains to the grave. Pastor 
Fuhrmann conducted the services, and delivered a touching ad- 
dress, which called forth tears from many sympathising listeners. 
Hickel made himself noticeable by loud weeping, and his conduct, 
which was in such strong contrast to his former severity towards 
Kaspar Hauser, was a subject of general remark. 
Notwithstanding the convincing testimony afforded by the re- 
sults of the post-mortem examination, the Stanhope-Hickel-Meyer 
party persisted in declaring that Kaspar Hauser was an impostor, 
and had ended his life by suicide, and for the moment these 
absurd charges had the effect of chilling public sympathy and 
silencing the protests of disinterested and reasonable judges at


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