Objekt: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser, 
tive of preaching, and are of no value, otherwise than as showing 
that Kaspar was in his senses, and that his mind was not disturbed 
by a consciousness of unconfessed crime. His manner through. 
out his illness was consistent with his character in health—gentle, 
forgiving, affectionate, childlike. 
Pastor Fubrmann, seeing that the last moment was approaching, 
leaned over Kaspar, and said : 
“ Father, not my will,” and Kaspar continued, “but Thine be 
“Who said those words ? ” asked the clergyman. 
“The Saviour,” was the reply. 
“When He was dying.” 
After a short silence, Kaspar murmured: “I am tired, vety 
tired, and I have a long way yet to go!” then turned his face to 
the wall and died. 
The city clocks were striking ten as he breathed his last.


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