Metadaten: Suchen

Kaspar Hauser. 
sciousness,” for Professor Eschricht never saw Kaspar Hauser, and 
his theory, that the boy was a born idiot, who, through the ip. 
fluence of kind treatment, was able to attain a slight degree of 
intelligence, was absurd and in contradiction to all the known 
facts of ‘the case. 
In 1858 appeared a powerful defence of Kaspar Hauser, by 
Broch, and in 1859 Professor Daumer issued another work ip 
the same spirit. After this period, for about ten years the matter 
was allowed to rest ; the public mind being constantly agitated by 
wars and rumours of wars in various parts of the world. 
In 1868 one of the principal journals of Frankfort published a 
series of articles upon the always interesting theme, and in 1870 
appeared a pamphlet in the French language having upon the first 
page neither title, nor name of author, nor place of publication, 
but merely the date . . . 1870. 
The compiler was an officer, son of a man formerly employed 
at the Court of Baden, and the work was said to be only an 
extract from a more extended composition which a responsible 
man, who was knowing to the principal facts of the Kaspar Hauser 
mystery and had made the subject a special study for years, had 
prepared for a certain exalted personage. The original was 
written in German, but the personage alluded to had caused a 
portion to be translated into French for publication. A certain 
“Hermann” is mentioned in the work as having made journeys 
in various directions for the discovery and substantiation of facts, 
the same facts which “the responsible man” first mentioned had 
written and told to Daumer at different times. 
It is from this source that Falkenhaus is discovered to have 
been the place of Kaspar Hauser’s imprisonment, and his jailer 
to have been a man named Miiller (known as Kasparle), who in 
his youth had been a soldier in Hungary, and knew the language, 
and was accustomed to swear in Hungarian—which would account 
for Kaspar’s remembrance of Hungarian words. The author had 
had access also to Hennenhofer’s memoirs, and had quoted from


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