fullscreen: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
VI. He declared from the beginning, and never changed his 
statement. that he was stabbed by an unknown man. 
VII. He was quiet and resigned in his last moments, and died 
in a frame of mind unlikely to exist in a person dying with a 
troubled conscience. 
Then comes Meyer's catalogue of reasons for believing that 
Kaspar did kill himself, a theory which would demand constant 
and thorough deception on his part. In this list of charges 
Meyer delivers himself of all the spite and hatred which he had 
been obliged to moderate in his previous remarks. 
Everything that Kaspar Hauser said and did has the worst 
construction put upon it, and the narrative shows such a system 
of spying, fault-finding, and correcting, as would lead many to 
suspect that the young man might have committed suicide merely 
to escape from this unbearable tyranny. 
Meyer accuses Kaspar of treating high personages with respect 
and poor people with contempt, in direct contradiction of 
Daumer, Fuhrmann, and others, who praised Kaspar’s friendliness 
rowards everybody, and his tender pity for the poor. 
According to Meyer, Kaspar showed remarkable keenness of 
perception and correctness of judgment respecting the conduct of 
other people ; but as soon as his own affairs were under discussion 
he was unjust and partial, being blind to everything but his own 
interests. In short, he was sly, deceitful, untruthful, politic, 
selfish, snobbish, conceited, hypocritical, irreligious, hard-hearted, 
and void of honourable feeling of every kind. 
Appended to Meyer's book is a collection of letters written by 
Hickel, between the dates, June 2, 1828, and May 19, 1834, but 
bearing internal evidence of having been compiled at a later 
Thus, the first fragment is dated June 2, 1828; the fourth, 
March 30, 1834; the fifth, June 2, 1828 again. In June, 1834, he 
tells the story of Kaspar Hauser’s appearance in Nuremberg. He


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