Volltext: Peter Vischer

Ratisbon, Tucher Monument 
at, 7. 
Romhild, Monument at, 2o0, 
30, 31. 
Sachs, Hans, 10, 88. 
St. Bartholomew, statue of, 61, 
St. Maurice, statuettes of, 28, 
29, 120. 
St. Paul, statue of, 59, 6o. 
St. Peter, statue of, 46, 62, 63, 
St. Sebald, statue of, 46, 47. 
St. Sebald’s Church—see Nu- 
Sansovino, Andrea, 37, 39, 89, 
98, 116, 131. 
Schedel, Weltchronik, 38. 
Schon, Martin, 15. 
Schreyer, Sebald, 38, 41. 
Schwenter, Pancratz, 38. 
Schwerin, tablet in the Cathe- 
dral at, 121, 122. 
Sebaldusgrab, the, 15, 36, 41 
el seq., 74, 76, 117, I31, 
model for, 20, 21. 
Stoss, Veit, 2, 21, 60, 64, 32. 
Theodoric, statue of, 66, 68, 
Traut, Wolfgang, 41. 
Tucher, Anton, 41, 42. 
T'ucher Monument, the, 73, 
Vischer, Barbara, 17, 18. 
Vischer, Eberhard, 4. 
Vischer, Hans (the Founder), 
10, 18, 1006, completion of 
the Rathaus Railing by.112, 
inherits the foundry, 108, 
120; works by, 122-126; 
leaves Nuremberg, 127, 128, 
120. | 
Vischer, Hermann (the elder), 
I, 6, 7, 36, 62. 
Vischer, Hermann (the youn- 
ger), journey to Rome, 15, 
41, 110; death of, 18, 41; 
figure of St. Bartholomew 
by, 63. 
Vischer, Jakob, 17. 
Vischer, Paul, 17, 18, 108, 
Vischer, Peter (the elder), 
statue of, 3, 4, 13; birth 
and boyhood, 4, 9-11; 
domestic life, 16-18; early 
works, 20; summoned to 
Heidelberg by the Elector 
Philip, 22 ; return to Nur- 
emberg, 24; the tomb of 
Archbishop Ernst, 24; 
monuments at Romhild and 
Hechingen, 30; the shrine 
of St. Sebald, 36, 41 ef sey. ; 
visited by Maximilian, 65 ; 
figure of Theodoric, 67, 68, 
71; quarrel with the Fug- 
gers, 110, III; death of, 
Vischer, Peter (the younger), 
8 ; journey to Italy, 13, 38, 
39, 49, 50 ;. medallions by, 
10, 39, 40 ; marriage of, 17; 
14 3


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