Objekt: error

Albrecht, Cardinal, tomb of, 
36, 87, 102, 123. 
Allegory on the Reformation, 
aquarelle, 88. 
Apollo, statue of, 125, 126. 
Arthur, King, statue of, 66, 
69, 70, 83, 131. 
Aschaffenburg, tomb of Car- 
dinal Albrecht at, 86 ; tab- 
let at, 122, 123; canopy 
over the tomb of St. Mar- 
garet at, 125. 
Bamberg, tomb-plates at, 6 ; 
tomb of Bishop Heinrich 
[II. at, 22, 30; tomb of 
Bishop George II. at, 22, 30. 
Barbari, Jacopo de’, 15, 37, 
52, 39, 125, 131. 
Baumgartner, Lucas, 32. 
Berlin, tomb of the Elector 
Johann Cicero, in the Ca- 
thedral at, 123, 124. 
Boy with Bagpipes, 119, 120. 
Brandenburg, Magdalena, 
Countess of, 32, 33. 
Brandenburg, Elizabeth, 
Countess of, 33. 
Brandenburg, Cardinal Al- 
brecht von, 86 ; tomb-plate 
of, 86, 87. | 
Breslau, tomb of Bishop John 
IV. at, 25. 
Bronze founding, in Germany, 
4, I2, 128. 
Clussenbach, Georg and Mar 
tin von, 5. 
Cocleus, his Cosmographia 
quoted, 49. 
Decker, Hans, 6. 
Donatello, 70, 71, 131. 
Dreyfus, M., 89, go. 
Diirer, Albert, 2, 3, 6, 32, 37, 
51, 52, 04, 05, 76, 83, 8q, 
120, 131. 
Eissen Monument, the, 74, 
77, 79- 
Eobanus Hessus, 56. 
Fortnum, H., 95. 
Frederick the Wise, 89; monu- 
ment of, 87, 101-106. 
Fugger Family, the, 110, 111. 


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