fullscreen: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

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Kaspar Hauser. 
the only sinners; but for his part he was convinced that 
any man who sought and found wicked people to do wicked 
york must be wicked himself. He did not wish to make himself 
sut better than he was; but he bad no idea of sacrificing himself 
in order to avert disgrace from the royal family. He had 
already made adequate provision for every possible contingency, 
and any attempt to punish him would be instantly met by the 
sublication and world-wide circulation of the whole shameful 
story, which he had written out and deposited in safe hands, with 
nstructions as to its use in case of any harm happening to him- 
self. If, knowing this, the Government wished to shut him up in 
1 cell, they were at liberty to try it ; he had nothing more to say. 
The President consulted a few moments with Prince Leopold 
and General-Lieutenant von Schiffer, and the latter then turned 
‘0 Hennenhofer and ordered him to leave the chamber and re- 
main in house-arrest until further notice. His sword, which he 
had been obliged to give up on entering the room, was restored 
to him, and he left the assembly with the mien of a conqueror. 
[nstead of going directly to his own house, however, as the order 
of his commanding officer implied, he went first to the palace of 
Margrave Wilhelm and gave him a full account of the interview. 
The State Council remained a good part of the night in con- 
sultation, and the following morning Leopold announced his 
accession by a public proclamation dated the previous day. The 
councillors were sworn to secrecy respecting the events of the 
Jecisive meeting, and the ceremonies attending the official recog- 
nition of the sovereign took place without opposition, although 
among the people various reports concerning Kaspar Hauser were 
circulated, and the suspicion was general that there had been a 
hitch in the proceedings, and that Ludwig’s death occurred several 
lays before it was announced. The excitement was only transi- 
ant, however, and the public mind soon found occupation in other 
As for Hennenhofer and Engesser, they were immediately re- 
leased, and returned to their high offices. Three months later 
Hennenhofer was pensioned at his own request, and he retired


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