Objekt: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

IN preparing my narrative of Kaspar Hauser, I have neither 
invented nor changed any of the circumstances; I have simply 
related the story according to existing evidence, without com- 
plicating the subject by constant reference to the denials and 
contradictions of the opposing party. Properly speaking, there is 
no evidence for the other side ; but there is abundance of asser- 
tion and abuse, intended for fact and argument, and any person 
desirous of sifting the subject or dissatisfied with my view of it, 
can form his own decision by examining the sources of informa- 
tion to which I have resorted, and which are duly mentioned in 
my appended bibliography of the Kaspar Hauser literature. 
The story as I have written it has always been and is still be- 
lieved by many thousands of intelligent persons in Germany. It 
is needless to say that many other persons do not accept the 
statements. There is this difference, however, in the mental 
attitude of the two parties: the party which regards Kaspar 
Hauser as the abducted Prince of Baden has been diligent in 
collecting and comparing facts; their opponents have ignored 
the testimony, and contented themselves with repeating the 
charge of imposture. 
The student of this interesting mystery is astounded at the 
amount of power, influence, ingenuity, and craft devoted to the 
preservation of the momentous secret: statesmen, diplomatists, 
cabinet ministers, courtiers, the clergy, lawyers, doctors, and the 
police were all represented in the guild which had for its object 
the suppression of evidence against a royal criminal, and the 
peaceful perpetuation of the order of things resulting from his 
selfish crime.


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