Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
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of Daumer’s assertions, and so his protest appears only as a con- 
cession to the prevailing opinion for his own interest, without 
touching the point at issue. Heidenreich’s ‘report appeared a 
few months later in Vol. IIL. of Griife’s and Walther’s Journal 
fiir Chirurgie und Augenieilkunde, and was published as a 
separate pamphlet by Reimer of Berlin the same year, 1834. 
The report is so strongly against the suicide theory, that Dr. 
Julius Meyer omitted it entirely from his book. 
Both Hickel and Meyer seemed to realise that their conduct 
had laid them open to blame, and they tried in various ways to 
justify themselves before Kaspar’s friends. Almost immediately 
after the funeral Meyer called again upon Hofmann, bringing 
with him Kaspar's writing books and other specimens of his 
work, in order to show how careless and backward the young 
man had been in his studies, especially during the last part of his 
life. Hofmann, however, came to quite the opposite conclusion, 
and expressed his astonishment at Meyer's blindness, as a 
marked improvement was plainly perceptible in the exercises. 
Meyer then related particulars of the death-bed scene, and 
wept as he described the affectionate farewell which Kaspar had 
taken of himself and his wife. Nevertheless, he held to his 
former accusations, and when Hofmann reproved him sharply he 
declared that within six months he should be justified in the 
eyes of the world, referring to the report which he intended to 
have ready for the public by that time. 
After this visit there was no further intercourse between 
Hofmann and Meyer. Hofmann wrote a full account of the 
interview to Minister Kluber, and said in conclusion that he 
thought it necessary to state what persons made the strongest 
accusations against Kaspar Hauser, and what circumstances 
would be likely to influence the action of the investigating 
committee. As for his own opinion, he would say that so far 
as he could judge from a year’s acquaintance with the young mar, 
it was almost impossible for him to have played the role of an 
impostor so skilfully and successfully, and to have carried it out


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