Volltext: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

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KasrAR HAUSER was dead ; but his importance, instead of ceasing 
with his life, as his enemies believed it would, seemed only to be- 
gin to take on its just proportions in the public mind after he had 
vanished from the public sight. The excitement caused every- 
where by the news of his decease was intense, and the contention 
between the small party in Ansbach, which insisted upon the 
theory of suicide, and the large party outside, which rejected that 
theory, was obstinate and bitter. It was hoped on one side and 
feared on the other that the, dissection of the dead body would 
clear up many difficulties, and these hopes and fears were fully 
justified by the result of the autopsy, which was conducted by the 
physicians who had been in attendance from the beginning. 
It was found that the wound was deep and extensive, such as 
could only have been inflicted by some kind of sharp instrument 
used with great force. The blow went far into the body, pierced 
the sack around the heart, grazed the lower point of the heart, 
pierced the liver, and cut into the stomach. Of course there was 
no possibility of recovery from such injuries, and it was a wonder 
that the fatal event was delayed so long. 
But the most important result of the investigation was the full 
substantiation of Kaspar Hauser’s story respecting his long im- 
prisonment. Besides the flatness of the knee line, which had 
been observed in life; and attributed to the alleged early habit of 
sitting on the floor with the legs extended, it was found that the 
liver was abnormally large, and the lungs unnaturally small, ex- 
actly the effect which would have been produced by long confine- 
ment in a sitting position. 
The brain was only slightly developed, but not diseased. It 


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