Inhaltsverzeichnis: The story of Kaspar Hauser from authentic records

Kaspar Hauser. 
Grand-Duchess Stephanie are there, of course, as also their three 
daughters ; but their two sons, presumptive heirs to the throne, 
are not mentioned! It is as though, knowing the genera] sys. 
picion relative to their death, their existence was purposely ignored 
in order that they might sooner be forgotten. 
In 1839 Countess Albersdorf published a book entitled, 
“ Kaspar Hauser, von W. C. Gr. v. A. Miinchen, 1839,” and 
containing substantially the same information previously given to 
the world by Daumer and Feuerbach. 
It is a curious fact that all of Kaspar Hauser’s principal defen- 
ders, excepting Professor Daumer, died soon after the murder. 
Mayor Binder, Dr. Osterhauser, Dr. Preu, and Dr. Albert died 
within a short time of each other, and there were suspicions of 
poison in each case, although such rumours may have been due 
to the intense excitement which prevailed for a long period after 
the murder in Ansbach. All those men had been zealous and 
fearless in Kaspar Hauser's behalf, Dr. Albert, particularly, 
had made himself obnoxious to the Stanhope party in Ansbach 
by his plain speaking. He declared that he had been offered 
bribes for his silence, and he mentioned the names of persons who 
had approached him with such proposals. He also said that 
Hickel advised him to accept the offer, adding : “ The rest have 
done so!” 
Professor Daumer had reason to think on two occasions that 
his life was threatened, and afterwards Le was extremely careful. 
The first attempt was soon after Lord Stanhope had tried in vain 
to induce him to testify against Kaspar Hauser. 
In 1840 the whole matter was again stirred up by the publi- 
cation of a pamphlet bearing the bold title, * Kaspar Hauser, 
der Thronerbe von Baden ” (Kaspar Hauser, the Crown Prince 
of Baden), and professing to be the work of N. E. Mesis (Nemesis). 
It was written by F. Sebastian Seiler, who was then living in 
Ziirich, but who had formerly been a copying clerk of law papers


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